Nx5d -- A Rapid Data Analysis Framework

Nx5d is a Python framework for rapid data processing and analysis workflows in scienfic enviroments. It is aimed to be the first thing a physicist imports and uses in his or her Jupyter Lab notebook for on-line analysis during data acquisition.

This is all it should take to visualize your X-ray diffraction data in reciprocal space:

import nx5d, h5py, json

experiment_template = json.load(open("experiment.json").read())
reader = nx5d.scan.ScanReader(h5py.File, "data.h5", "r")
qspace = next( nx5d.xrd.LazyQMap(**(reader.streaks(image="@detector", setup=exp_template)) )


Installation and First Steps

Via PyPI

You can install nx5d from its official PyPI repository:

pip install nx5d

Directly form Git

Or you can download it via git and install it manually:

git clone https://gitlab.com/codedump2/nx5d.git
cd nx5d && pip install .

From Tarball

...or you can download a regular ZIP file or Tarball of the latest code and install that:

wget https://gitlab.com/codedump2/nx5d/-/archive/master/nx5d-master.tar.gz
tar xf nx5d-master.tar.gz
cd nx5d
pip install .


Chances are you're already looking at it :-) Otherwise you can visit the ReadTheDocs page of nx5d.

How to Participate

nx5d being a Free Software project, and the solutions only having a chance of becoming as good as the interesting problems its users are kind enough to share, you are encouraged to participate. Tasks include:

  • Using, testing, using, testing, ...

  • Improving documentation

  • Improving code, e.g. by writing unit tests, developing data analysis methods, adding HDF5-like interfaces for new data formats or experimental setups

  • ...or diving straight in and contributing to the concepts and core part of the code :-)

So pick your fight! And remember that if you break it, you get to keep both pieces. :-)

The main repository around which nx5d development happens is over at GitLab. If enough interest prevails, we're pondering setting up a mailing list and a dedicated website.